About The Project
For this project we were asked by the client to design an air source heating system for there renovation project of there solid granite property. Firstly we carried out a full heat loss survey on the property and assess the hot water demand to allow us to correctly size the required air source heat pump and hot water cylinder. Once this was completed we specified a 9kw EkoKozy air source heat pump. This was the perfect choice for this property as the customer wanted full remote access to his heat pump which is possible through the Heat Pumps app. The Ekokozy Range also comes with 10 year warranty when installed with a Planet Devices Atmo and partnered with our service plan.
The next step was to size the emitters, as this was a full renovation we opted for underfloor heating, where we can we always sizes the underfloor at a 100mm centres rather than the traditional 150mm centres with heat pumps. This allows us to significantly lower the flow temperature in this case we are running the whole heating system at a flow temperature of 35 degrees, significantly improving the COP of the heat pump with the heat pump reaching COPs of over 6!
With everything specified it was time for the installation. We worked closely with our trusted supplier Elite Hydronics on this project to ensure that all our hydronic components were of the highest quality and allowed the required high flow rates need for low temperature heating systems.
The next step was to size the emitters, as this was a full renovation we opted for underfloor heating, where we can we always sizes the underfloor at a 100mm centres rather than the traditional 150mm centres with heat pumps. This allows us to significantly lower the flow temperature in this case we are running the whole heating system at a flow temperature of 35 degrees, significantly improving the COP of the heat pump with the heat pump reaching COPs of over 6!
With everything specified it was time for the installation. We worked closely with our trusted supplier Elite Hydronics on this project to ensure that all our hydronic components were of the highest quality and allowed the required high flow rates need for low temperature heating systems.
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